The Making of A Successful Hollywood Movie Starts With You

By Whitaker Perry

There is virtually no limit to the amount of money that Hollywood will spend to keep us entertained. They realize that the more they can lure us into the theaters with special effects, head-spinning plots and premium actors, the more they stand a chance to create a blockbuster hit.

Hollywood can tell if a new movie is going to be profitable within one week of its release. The massive publicity campaign combined with well designed media blitzes create an air of anticipation which drives up ticket sales. Before Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was released, the movie and writer received tons of publicity and fans around the world anticipated its release.

Before a new movie is released, Hollywood will often create a lot of publicity around a new release prior to the movie hitting the theaters. The publicity spreads life wild-fire and creates anticipation and excitement. A classic example is all the publicity that was generated around the new Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

Since the success or failure of a movie is usually determined in first week of its premiere release, many Hollywood studios often have advanced screenings of movies as an attempt to pump up the ticket sales before the movie is released to the general public. This creates buzz advertising and free press as media outlets around the world feature spotlights of the movie.

Hollywood has released so many movies in the last 75 years that they know what really entertains us. It is much easier for them to release a blockbuster hit today than it was 20 years ago. Surprisingly, not all hits costs tens of millions of dollars. Movies such as Nightmare On Elm Street and Friday The 13 were created on a fairly low budget, but spawned a cult like following of loyal movie watchers and more sequels than any other movies made over time.

Besides new movie releases, Hollywood also generates hefty revenues from older classics too and popular television shows too. The sales of DVD rentals and purchases continually produce added revenues as people build their movie libraries over time. Many popular television series have been transformed into DVD's for public purchase.

Older movie classics like Godzilla and King Kong have been remade using modern special effects and have attracted a wide viewing audience. These are movies that once entertained us with mediocre special effects now updated with dazzling life-like quality. One of the newer in this genre that paid off well was the Jurassic Park series. With almost two sold out sequels and tens of thousands of DVD rentals and sales, it paid off big for producers.

The latest movie trends to create explosive interest are fantasy movies like Shrek and popular superhero's taken from the pages of Marvel Comics. These fantasy characters entertain us with an onscreen adventure that once was left to the imagination of a paper cartoonist. Today, thanks to Hollywood, we can enjoy of favorite fantasy characters with a little more life. - 29872

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